
Now more than ever, your gifts to the University of 南 Alabama make a tremendous impact on our students, athletes, faculty, health care providers and community. 通过 your generosity, 美国 is creating the next generation of leaders, problem-solvers and 救星. With your support, we will continue to move 向上 & 起.


Passionflower Species Named in Honor of Late Biology Professor
Passionflower Species Named in Honor of Late Biology Professor
Dr. 布莱恩Axsmith, 谁在2020年去世了, is honored with the naming of a previously undescribed species of...
U.S. Senate and House Commend 南 on 60th Anniversary
U.S. Senate and House Commend 南 on 60th Anniversary
星期二- 2024年6月18日
Alabama's Congressional delegation recently supported resolutions highlighting the University's 60th anniversary.
南's Common Read Offers Food for Thought
The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People and Communities is the 2024-25 Common Read book selection for...